European Sambo Championship2020
general sponsor
Federation Suisse de sambo & disciplines associees
President Herve Gheldman
Secretary General Alexandre Magnenat
Address 1211 Geneve 6, Suisse, CP 6256, 11 Rue Maunoir
phone +41 79 216 92 37

Hervé Gheldman, master of martial arts, discovered the sambo discipline in 1985 during the seminar organised by Christian Bruzat.

Inspired by this discipline he dedicated all his time to it and even took a year off to pass the education and reached the title of master of sambo.

In 1995 under the auspices of the International Sambo Federation Hervé Gheldman together with Etienne Labrousse and Christian Bruzat officially established the Swiss Sambo Federation with the headquarter in Geneva.

Sambo has been developed and evolved in Switzerland due to courses and practical seminars performed by Hervé Gheldman.

He also organised a lot of different seminars with participation of great experts like: David Rudman, Igor Yakimov, Alexandre Iaskevitch, Sergey Lopovok, Sergey Gromov.

Today sambo in Switzerland is represented by10 clubs dedicated to sambo and only 10 percent with mixed styles.

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