European Sambo Championship2020
general sponsor
Sambo federation of Moldova Republic
President Guennady Melyashkevich
Secretary General Aurel Plamadyala
Address Eminesku blvd 4a, Beltsy, 3100, Moldova Republic
phone +373 231 42 179

The success of sambo athletes of Moldova in the USSR and in the international arena is closely linked with the name of the USSR and Moldova’s honoured coach Andrey Doga.

The USSR champions became the following representatives:

Georgiy Kotik, Vladimir Sharkansky, Vasiliy Usik, Valentin Gudu.

The winners in the Games of the peoples of the USSR in 1971 are: V. Usik – the second place, G. Kotik – the second place, and K. Bass – the second place, V. Sharkansky – the third place, I. Valishvili – the third place, the team won the final 4th place.

The prize-winners of the VIII Games of the USSR became Yu. Komarnitsky (-90 kg), N. Barbu (-68 kg).

The champions of the USSR among juniors 1964-1966 became F. Ratanenko, A. Nesterenko.

The USSR and world champion among boys became Igor Kostin (-81 kg) in 1990.

The world champion among youth in 2006 became Anna Repida (-60 kg).

The world champions among youth 2007 became Yuri Leo (-74 kg) and Valery Duminike (- 82 kg). The national team took the second place in the team event (youth).

In 2010 A. Bulat became the world champion among girls.

The European champions became the following athletes: V. Braga (-65 kg) among youth (boys) in 2007; A. Repida (-60 kg) among youth (girls) in 2008, V. Kishka (-65 kg) among youth (boys); N. Krechun among (juniors) in 2009 and T. Osoianu among girls.Yu. Pyatikovsky (-60 kg) among boys in 2012, N. Repeshko among juniors and K. Budesku among girls.

The repeated prize-winners of the European championship were the following athletes: O. Nacu, S. Oshlobanu, M. Dovydova, V. Karaush. In 2011 S. Oshlobanu (-82 kg) took the third place in the World Championships. The repeated winners and finalists of the European and world Championships among youth and juniors were E. Koryak, D. Taqiy, G. Tashkov, V. Manole, V. Melyashkevich, D. Starchuk, A. Mereutsa, A. Duka, R. Dragoschuk, B. Bokan, D. Bulay, D. Gynchesku, E. Ozhog, M. Pyrgar.

A great contribution to the sambo development in Moldova was made by and A. Doga and brothers Ivan and Semyon Kurdov as well as Petr Gergi, I. Valishvili, N. Bolbochanu, Z. Chakal, G. Melyashkevich, brothers Michael and Ilya Buyuk, Yu. Pyatikovsky, W. Danilesku.

The Sambo Federation of the Republic of Moldova is committed to Sambo development in the country by its constant participation in the European and world championships, supporting and promoting this wonderful sport.

Champions and prize winners of Moldova 2017


European Championship among Youth and Juniors 2017 in the Czech Republic

 Gold Medals:

Prisacaru Viorica (68 kg)

Bronze Medals:

Betivu Dan (81 kg)

Duinovs Nikita (82 kg)

Erinez Anastasia (48 kg)

Zosim Anastasia (80+ kg)

Petrov Ion (74 kg)

Serpu Victor (70 kg)

 European Championship 2017 in the Republic of Belarus

 Silver Medals:

Tachii Denis (100 kg)

Bronze Medals:

Artemciuc Sabina (60 kg)

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